UseVerb is a useful mobile service for business owners, recruiters and job seekers. Team building, join ads & talent sourcing for recruiters, network building & amazing job applications for job seekers, work chat -all these help to communicate and grow with Verb.
- MVP Architecture
- Firebase SDK
- Realm
- PromiseKit
- Moya
- Dagger 2
- Retrofit
- RxJava
- Google Firebase
- Clean Architecture
- Coroutines
- WebSocket
- Room
- Adapter Delegate
- ViewBinding
- Camera X
Application functionality
- Chats with endless history storage
- Possibility to create one’s own channels and groups
- For job seekers, the ability to record a short video CV and send it either in or out of the app
- For recruiters, the ability to create a plenty of job ads to post on verb platform or other services
- Courses for jobseekers with tips on how to find a job
What was done
- Creation of iOS and Android mobile versions of high quality service for recruiters and job seekers
- Using Verb recruiters and job seekers can communicate faster and easier by means of short video instead of ordinary CV
- Powerful chat, channels and groups
- Recruiters can create various job ads for using on any services
- Available courses for jobseekers with tips on how to find a job