Bezrukih.net is a service that brings together people who want to earn on their talents and skills and those who need help to solve their problems.

- Alamofire
- PromiseKit
- Realm
- Chatto
- Fabric
- RxJava2
- Dagger2
- Retrofit
- Gson
- Fabric
- Realm
- LiveData
- Clean Architecture
Application functionality
- The ability to create personal accounts and profiles for customers and performers;
- Searching for tasks by location;
- Filter for finding tasks ‘by distance from me’;
- The ability to leave reviews for both customers and performers about each other;
- For leaving a feedback points are added, which can be spent on paying for performers’ services and “Bezrukikh.net” service.
What was done
- VIPER architecture with a pattern protocol-oriented programming and dependency injection;
- We used of interlayers between the app core code and popular libraries for to replace one framework with the other quickly and smoothly;
- We used the best and most modern frameworks;
- The data is distributed between several databases of different purposes, one of which keeps encrypted data that provides an extreme security of a user’s data;
- Clean architecture and google live data allowed us to achieve structuredness and get to rid of possible problems with the activity / fragment life cycle;
- We used three Realm configurations were used: a general-purpose base, an encryption base (for storing personal data) and a temporary object storage base;
- And we also practiced the Paging Library Google that allowed to use pagination for loading large lists and reduce server response.