
SHUBIDU is a mobile service-planner which allows parents to keep all the important matters under control: to organize a school event or wonder about smth in chat, to be informed about school news or of any sports' club and other important things.


  • Dagger 2
  • RxJava 2
  • Retrofit 2
  • Glide

Application functionality

  • Overview of all the groups you belong to
  • General view of all next events
  • Chat feature in groups related to a certain appointment
  • Family filter for all family members
  • Possibility to add the Shubidu's events into your personal calendar (Outloook,iCal, Google Cal, etc.)
What was done
  • Filters by tags were created
  • The possibility to add, edit or delete events, synchronize them with calendar (Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar) for each participant of the group
  • Timeframes for accomplishment of tasks were set
  • Due to the features of tag filtering and possibility of using different roles for a user the app can be used by any family member
  • By means of extensive opportunities of editing events they can be ruled
  • The application is easy to use
Customer review
“Anna (Lead Android developer, LetMeCode) has been developing an Android Application for us. She developed it from scratch together in a team with one iOS Developer (who is developing the iOS App) and one Backend Developer. For us the UI/UX is very important (most of the calculation is done in backend and sent via API to the client). She works very independently, brings in great suggestions, grasps ideas quickly and is a pleasure to work with. She also honors the limited time of her contact persons. I hope to work with you on many more interesting projects on in the future!” Pasqual Vossberg
COO, Member of the Executive Board MA HSG, Mühlemann&Popp